I like to play music instrument, especially guitar, which the one that i love most..But, my skill is really bad, never get clean sound, noise here and there, and i only know some sort of song (simplest one)..Hmm...maybe i not born for it..But what ever it is, I still want to learn more and gain more to feel more contented.
I bought my first guitar around 6 years back (2003 as i remember), when I was enter the UTM Skudai for taking the Foundation course.. She is an acoustic guitar, brand Rhythm, cost me around RM100(just got my scholarship :)). However, i rarely playing it (in my friend's room most of the time), never get better, and i waste it for 4 years-never got somethings to learn..
Until i've met my new roomate (first semester, fourth year)..We call him as Kamen, a talented player, learning only in 2 years but can play really good(of course better than me)..Plus extra knowledge get from Rozaimi, called as Emi Buncit..His play is really really good (he is a maestro!!!!) I got my first electric guitar, Ibanez RGR321EX, cost me around RM1200 just for the guitar (holes in my pocket...again!!)
Ibanez RGR321EX
As a result, I'm able to join with Kamen's band (called cubic)-Apo (singer), Pendau (drummer), Bijik (Basist), Kamen(Guitarist), and me as dancer lol!! Got one achievement; we were the one of the finalist of Battle of the Band Konvo 43, and fortunately, we got the 3rd place. We quite satisfy with it as the other band are tremendously great! I still have the video.. U can see how suck I am.
Hm...I already forgot what is this post about! Lets start with the project. Firstly, let me start with the story behind it(plz hope not the other lame story.....). I am a die hard fan for Helloween Band.. I obsessed on Sascha Gesrtsner, Helloween's guitarist( he is my idol!!) As he was using Ibanez Iceman IC400 for the concert at Sao Paolo as his main axe, I really want it too!
For now, let me just flash some of the photo for the final product. Actually, i done 2 pieces body (the first one got flaw). I'll post the spec i used later..